Govt annouces 40-100 per cent subsidy to popularise drone in agriculture; Maximum subsidy- Rs 10 lakh

Govt annouces 40-100 per cent subsidy to popularise drone in agriculture; Maximum subsidy- Rs 10 lakh
  • Union Agriculture Ministry has amended the guidelines of Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) to provide 40-100 percent subsidy until March 2023 in purchasing drones for farm mechanization.
  • After the amendment, a grant for the purchase of drones up to 100 percent of the cost of agriculture drones or ₹10 lakhs, whichever is less, can be given. The detail of percent and maximum amount of subsidy is given below:
  • Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institutes, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes, Krishi Vigyan Kendras and State Agriculture Universities- 100% subsidy- Rs 10 lakh maximum
  • Agriculture graduates establishing Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs)= 50 per cent subsidy up to ₹5 lakh
  • Existing CHCs or new ones, already or to be set up by cooperative society of farmers, farmer producers organizations (FPOs) and rural entrepreneurs are entitled to receive= 40 per cent subsidy (maximum ₹4 lakh).

Points to remember:

  1. range of subsidy on drones for farm mechanization? 40-100 %
  2. Maximum limit of subsidy for drones for farm mechanization?- Rs 10 lakh

Source: Hindu business line

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